sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

Quina, el casi extinto árbol medicinal del escudo de Perú

 indio Pedro de Leyva avanzó a tropezones y cayó moribundo sobre la orilla de un estanque en medio de los andes peruanos.

La leyenda dice que lo devoraba la malaria.

Empapado en sudor, se acercó al agua, apartó las hojas y ramas que habían caído en el remanso y tomó algunos sorbos amargos.

Y entonces, la fiebre cedió.

Al enfermo lo había salvado la mezcla milagrosa de agua con las cortezas de aquel árbol insólito que crecía rodeando el estanque.

Esta historia del siglo XVII, recopilada por el tradicionalista peruano Ricardo Palma, intenta explicar las propiedades antipalúdicas del árbol de la quina , acaso uno de los descubrimientos médicos más importantes de la historia.

Y también uno de los más ignorados.

ImageTHINKSTOCKEl extracto de la quina, la quinina, es la base de la tónica que se usa para crear el popular coctel gin & tonic.
ImageEl extracto de la quina, la quinina, es la base de la tónica que se usa para crear el popular coctel gin & tonic.

Hoy, el compuesto activo que se extrae de la planta, llamado quinina, es más fácil de encontrar en un bar que en una farmacia.

¿Cómo pasó este árbol de salvar millones de vidas a ser un ingrediente de coctelería?

Milagrosa y olvidada

La quina es originaria de los países andinos desde Venezuela a Bolivia , pero casi ha desaparecido de la región.

Pocos la han visto en estado natural y aunque figura en el escudo nacional de Perú , incluso a los más patriotas les costaría reconocerla.

“El árbol del escudo ni siquiera está bien dibujado”, advierte el ingeniero forestal Alejandro Gómez a BBC Mundo.

En julio las calles peruanas se embanderan para celebrar la fiesta nacional y con ello se revela lo poco que se sabe del símbolo que representa la diversidad botánica del país .

“Hay quienes creen que es un manzano, un eucalipto o incluso un arbusto de coca”, dice Gómez, quien trabaja en el Instituto de Innovación Agraria de Perú (INIA) tratando de recuperar la quina.

ImageGETTY IMAGESBandera de Perú
ImagePese a que figura en el escudo nacional, muy pocos peruanos reconocerían el árbol en la naturaleza.

El árbol oficial del país sufre de una popularidad ingrata y anónima.

La confusión más común es llamarla “quinua”, y suponer que se trata de ese nutritivo seudocereal que en los últimos años multiplicó su fama (y su precio).

Pero mientras la quinua es una hierba, la quina es un árbol andino de hojas anchas que puede superar los quince metros de altura y está emparentada con el café.

Lo que la hace valiosa es su corteza, rica en quinina.

Este alcaloide es el que le dio fama al árbol, y también su condena.

El árbol de la vida

Según la leyenda, cuando el indio Pedro de Leyva se recuperó, juntó agua y raíces de quina en un cántaro y lo llevó a su pueblo.

La popularidad del brebaje milagroso se extendió rápidamente.

“La quinina corta el ciclo de vida del parásito de la malaria y le impide infectar otros glóbulos rojos, que es donde se alimenta y reproduce”, explica a BBC Mundo, Dionicia Gamboa, PhD en enfermedades tropicales de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

ImageSegún investigaciones médicas la malaria es una de las enfermedades más mortales de la historia.

Desde su descubrimiento y durante tres siglos, el alcaloide fue el medicamento más efectivo para combatir la enfermedad.

Y no hablamos de cualquier pandemia.

Investigaciones publicadas en las revistas Nature y National Geographic sostienen que la malaria o paludismo pudo haber matado a más de la mitad de todos los seres humanos que han existido.

De acuerdo con la tradición, fueron los jesuitas quienes difundieron el uso de la quinina luego de curar a Doña Francisca Henríquez, condesa de Chinchón y esposa del virrey de Perú.

Los ecos de esta historia inspiraron el nombre científico que el árbol lleva hasta hoy: Cinchona Officinalis .

A lo largo de los siguientes siglos casi no hubo equipaje de explorador, conquistador o soldado que no llevara quinina.

Hasta que llegó la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Muerta de pie

Durante generaciones, hordas de comerciantes recorrieron los bosques andinos en busca de quina.

La mayoría fueron taladas y a otras les arrancaron la corteza de pie , como despellejadas en vida, para venderlas en Europa.

ImageLa quinina se extrae de la corteza de la quina, que puede llegar a medir más de 15 metros.

Según las anotaciones del naturalista alemán Alexander Von Humboldt en 1805 se cortaron 25.000 árboles sólo en la provincia ecuatoriana de Loja.

La quina curó una fiebre y provocó otra que resultó mortal para ella.

“Es un árbol en extinción y ni siquiera existe un inventario de los que quedan”, advierte el ingeniero del INIA Alejandro Gómez, quien coordina el proyecto de reforestación en uno de los últimos reductos de la especie en Perú.

De las más de 20 variedades de quina que existía en el país, sólo se tiene certeza de que quedan ejemplares de unas cuatro.

“La gran amenaza para su ecosistema sigue siendo la tala ilegal y la quema de bosques para expandir la frontera agrícola”, señala a BBC Mundo Verónica Galmez, especialista en bosques andinos de la organización suiza Helvetas.

En la actualidad, las grandes plantaciones de quina no están en América Latina sino en Asia.

Durante el siglo XIX, para salvar sus colonias que hervían de malaria, los ingleses introdujeron el árbol en la India y los holandeses en Indonesia.


ImageEn la región Lambayeque, en el norte de Perú, se lleva a cabo un proyecto de reforestación de la quina.

El nuevo comercio floreció hasta la ocupación japonesa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando cortaron el suministro de quinina a las tropas aliadas expuestas al paludismo en el Pacífico.

La emergencia obligó a desarrollar medicamentos artificiales alternativos.

Actualmente, los tratamientos contra la enfermedad en Perú, el país que tiene a la quina en la bandera, usan quinina asiática o compuestos hechos en un laboratorio.

A tu salud

Hielo, una parte de gin, dos partes de agua tónica y una lámina de piel de limón, es la receta clásica de un gin tonic, aunque en los bares de Londres discutirán eternamente la fórmula perfecta.

El coctel, sin embargo, no nació sobre una pulida barra de madera sino durante las campañas de conquista inglesas en medio de las ciénagas de la India .

Para ocultar el amargor de la quinina los soldados la mezclaron con agua de soda , lo que da como resultado el agua tónica.

Echarle gin era un siguiente paso lógico. Este destilado formaba parte de sus raciones.


ImageLa quinina también se toma con pisco sour en Perú y Chile.

Por aquellos años, otra enfermedad, esta vez una epidemia de cólera, brotó en la zona de Angostura, en Venezuela.

Para combatirla se popularizó una pócima que combinaba una decena de plantas locales, entre ellas un extracto de quina.

Esta medicina fue bautizada como Amargo de Angostura y hace muchos años dejó las recetas médicas para formar parte de las gastronómicas: Hoy corona los piscos sours en las barras de Chile y Perú.

Son las empresas indonesias que siembran quina las que actualmente abastecen por igual a la industria farmacéutica como a la de bebidas.

Si la leyenda fuera cierta, los peruanos que levanten un pisco sour para celebrar esta semana su día nacional, podrán sentir en el sabor el lejano vestigio de la medicina que salvó a Pedro de Leyva hace cuatrocientos años.

Es también el sabor de una pérdida.

Aunque el coctel sea dulce, será un trago amargo .

martes, 25 de julio de 2017

EXCLUSIVE: Inside tomb in Peru where 'mummified aliens were found'

Gaia.com, the paranormal website behind outlandish claims that at least five mummified aliens have been found buried in Nazca, Peru, released a new video revealing the images inside the alleged tomb and the identity of the man said to have found them.

The film said a man called Mario was the explorer said to have stumbled across the remains in a tomb in an undisclosed part of the Peruvian region.

The disclosure came after scientists and the Peruvian World Congress on Mummy Studies released statements saying they believed the creatures were hoaxes that had been made using real human remains, and demanded an official inquiry into whether any archaeological crimes had been committed.

As a result, Express.co.uk asked Gaia.com and Mexican investigative journalist and ufologist Jamie Maussan, who is at the forefront of the claims, for details about where the so-called alien mummies were discovered.

These images were taken of the aliens as they were found in the tomb,the video claims.

We asked for the location, who found them, whether it was part on an official dig, and if there were nay pictures of the discovery.

Both Gaia.com and Mr Maussan failed to answer.

However, the new video claims Mario, who was shown on camera but not given a surname, was the man behind the "world-changing find".

The video narrater said: "Mario helped with the discovery of many well known sites in Peru since the 1990s.

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"He knows very well what he does, and he knows what he has found, and what he has found does not belong to any known culture in South America."

Mr Maussan said in the film: "Inside this tomb, in a secret place, he found two sarcophaguses.

"In one of them was just pure objects. In the second one he found two medium-sized bodies, and many little bodies.

"The big body was outside the sarcophagus."

Mr Maussan said Mario would not agree to be interviewed on camera, or take the team to the site.

He added: "He is afraid that somebody is going to find this and he his going to lose what is inside."

The narrater said Mario believes he has touched just 10 per cent of the site, possibly less, and has no idea yet how far branches of underground tunnels go.

The film said that the team investigating the discovery was given the "mummies" by French archaeologist Thierry Jamin.

Another still from the video showing inside the alleged tomb.

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In one of them was just pure objects. In the second one he found two medium-sized bodies, and many little bodies. The big body was outside the sarcophagus.

Jamie Maussan

Mr Jamin is introduced as the President of the Inkari Institute, and it is alleged he obtained the mummies from Mario.

The Inkari Institute based in Cusco, says it is a non profit and non governmental archaeological research organisation.

Footage in the video shows what appears to be the entrance to the tomb and mummified remains buried in there.

Mr Maussan said at an earlier press conference about the discovery that the mummified burial of the bodies suggests they once coexisted with our ancestors.

He said: "These mummies were buried in human tombs, in sacred places.

"This means that they had coexisted with our ancestors, were not enemies and had, to a certain extent, a degree of respect between both races or cultures."

They claim tests show the bones to be 1,700 years old, and the beings had three fingers and elongated skulls.

For years there have been claims by alien conspiracy theorists that aliens visited our ancestors and helped them build great structures like the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge.

Mr Maussan has previously investigated a series of alleged alien body discoveries which turned out to be hoaxes.

many ufologists believe the Gaia.com films are just promoting a massive hoax.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual said they were "plaster of Paris fakes".

UK-based UFO investigators Steve Mera and Barry Fitzgerald have set out to get to to the truth.

In a press release, the pair said: "Recently, the internet exploded with images of newly discovered mummies, discovered in the region of Nazca, Peru.

The Crop Circles are often believed to be created by aliens, as there is no proper explanation behind this phenomenon.

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"Many will be aware that there are numerous headlines and information being publicised by Gaia.com and Jamie Maussan.

"This is not the first time such Earth Shaking discoveries have been found, only to turn out to have a more mundane explanation.

"Could these recent findings be what we have been waiting for?

"We have recently returned from Peru after conducting a painstaking and thorough investigation that encompasses physical examinations of the bodies, scrutinising X-rays and scans, reviewing medical conclusions and being cast into the murky depths of the illegal black market."

Mr Mera told Express.co.uk: "We are officially representing the Inkari Institute (run by Mr Jamin) as part of delivering the full information to the public.

"We are at this time in discussions with doctors at universities around the UK."

viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Peru reconstructs face of pre-Columbian ruler

Peruvian authorities have revealed the reconstructed face of the Lord of Sipan, a pre-Columbian ruler whose remains were discovered in 1987 and hailed as one of the country's most stunning archaeological finds.

A full body representation of the ancient ruler, believed to have died around the year 250, was unveiled Thursday at the Museum of the Royal Tombs of Sipan in the northern city of Chiclayo.

Peruvian Culture Minister Salvador del Solar traveled to Chiclayo for the unveiling, which marks the 30th anniversary of the tomb's discovery.

The Moche culture ruler's face was reconstructed by anthropologists based on the skull and facial bones of the man's mummy, archaeologist Walter Alva told AFP, speaking by phone from Chiclayo.

"The skull was quite damaged by the pressure of the earth and the burial jewels," but the anthropologists "have techniques that made virtual reconstruction possible," said Alva.

The archaeologist discovered the mummy buried with a large cache of gold and silver ornaments in the Huaca Rajada adobe pyramid complex three decades ago.

Experts believe the Lord of Sipan was between the age of 45 and 55 when he was buried.

The Moche, or Mochica, society was active along the Peruvian northern coastal region between 100 and 800 AD.

In early July scientists revealed the reconstructed face of the Lady of Cao, a woman who governed in northern Peru 1,700 years ago.

The female ruler - unique in pre-Columbian Peru - also belonged to the Moche culture. Her mummified remains were discovered at the Cao Viejo adobe pyramid in 2006 in the Chicama Valley, just north of the modern city of Trujillo.

jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

Mummy Congress Not Buying Peruvian 3-Fingered Mummies | Mysterious Universe

Here's some good news for those shaking their heads in disbelief at the unfolding stories out of Peru about the five (so far) 3-fingered, long-skulled mummies being touted as anything from 3-fingered, long-skulled mummies to aliens. The world's leading authorities on mummies have come out with an official statement (well, as official as a statement on Facebook can be), and they’re not buying any of the possibilities and predictions put out by paranormal journalist Jamie Maussan and his friends at Gaia.com who are said to be conducting studies on the mummies, including DNA testing.

The experts in this case are mummy researchers from around the world who have been meeting about every four years for a World Congress on Mummy Studies to discuss new technology, mummy conservation and the controversial subject of having human remains as part of museum exhibits and collections. Coincidentally, the 9th World Congress on Mummy Studies was held in Peru last August and that country's legitimate mummies, mummy collections and mummy research were discussed.

One of those researchers, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi of the Department of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Natural History Museum in Lima, had this to say in an interview about what he saw in the Gaia presentations so far:

“Based on the X-ray of this hand and using basic comparative anatomy, I identify the bones that make it up and show that, one, the hand is formed by at least two human individuals and, two, that each finger has two human metacarpals – an absolute anatomical and evolutionary aberration. This is not an opinion, it is the result of anatomical-comparative analysis. This shameless assembly is the scientific evidence that Maussan’s team defends as authentic. I simply can not bear to put up a lie of this magnitude through the manipulation of scientific evidence."

The English translation of the Spanish language "Declaration Of The Scientific Community Regarding The Fraud Of Extraterrestrial Mummies" (no question what their conclusion is) on Facebook gets right to the point as well:

"In the last few months, the alleged discovery of “extraterrestrial mummies” in our country has been publicized through an irresponsible, organized disinformation campaign."

After looking at the X-rays of the mummies, the Congress concludes that what is inside are undoubtedly:

"... pre-Columbian human remains – Cultural Patrimony of the Nation -, maliciously manipulated and even mutilated to obtain an ‘ad hoc’ appearance for commercial exploitation."

Human hand and alleged alien hand

In case you haven't been keeping up, Gaia.com is charging fees to watch the video series showing the study of the mummies. The members of the Congress work hard to stop the looting and trafficking of human remains, which they believe this is. Not only does it break the law, the Congress sees it as a worse offense:

"... the criminal abuse of corpses for petty ends violates human dignity in a profound way. Thus, exploitation of pre-Columbian mummies carried out by this organization, attacks and particularly offends the Andean Culture, implying that its achievements were due to an alleged ‘alien aid’."

Will this declaration stop Jamie Maussan and Gaia.com from continuing with their pay-to-view series and so-called scientific study? Probably not. One Facebook post doesn't have that kind of power … does it?

If it did, we'd be ignoring this story and paying homage to the kitten and meerkat gods.

lunes, 17 de julio de 2017

¿Qué representa el hallazgo de las momias de Nazca en Perú

El periodista mexicano Jaime Maussan asegura que "los cuerpos momificados tienen aspecto alienígena" y fueron "enterrados en lugares sagrados", lo que indica "una convivencia entre humanos y extraterrestres".

Jaime Maussan es un periodista mexicano que ha dedicado gran parte de su existencia a la investigación del fenómeno extraterrestre, los indicios de vida inteligente en otros planetas y la aparición de objetos voladores no identificados (ovnis) en México y gran parte del mundo. 

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En 1999, inició su programa 'Ovni: un fenómeno inteligente', transmitido por ABC Radio. En 2004, estrenó su programa televisivo a nivel nacional titulado 'Los grandes misterios del tercer milenio', el cual sigue vigente e incluye temas como medio ambiente, ciencia y tecnología.

En entrevista con RT en Español, Maussan asegura que "los seres humanos somos egoístas porque creemos que somos los únicos entes que viven en un universo tan inmenso". Y esto obedece a una simple razón: "Si los seres humanos no somos capaces de ir hacia otro planeta, ¿por qué alguien diferente a nosotros sí puede venir a la Tierra?". 

RT: ¿Por qué investigar el fenómeno extraterrestre en México y gran parte del mundo?

J.M.: Considero que los fenómenos extraterrestres y la probable existencia de vida inteligente en la Tierra y otros planetas es una noticia que puede cambiar la historia de la humanidad. Por eso me he empeñado en seguir cada indicio y darle la importancia que merece, ya que en los medios de comunicación tradicionales no hay un interés genuino por el tópico.

RT: ¿En qué momento se da cuenta de que existen diferentes formas de vida inteligente en el universo?

J.M.: A través de la investigación periodística, es decir, testimonios, imágenes y videos que nos comparte la gente, y los cuales hemos documentado en 'Tercer Milenio TV'. Sin embargo, esto no puede confirmar un hecho tan importante que es la existencia de seres inteligentes en la Tierra. 

RT: ¿Y en el caso de su más reciente investigación periodística, en la que hallaron momias de apariencia alienígena en la ciudad de Lima, Perú?

J.M.: En el caso de las momias de la región de Nazca, ahí sí podríamos confirmar con pruebas científicas la existencia de seres de otro mundo. Tenemos en nuestro poder radiografías, análisis de ADN y de carbono 14, es decir, datos contundentes de un acercamiento a cuerpos, presuntamente, de un origen no común al del ser humano, es decir, alienígena.

RT: A este respecto, ¿usted puede confirmar la presencia y existencia de otros seres en la Tierra?

J.M.: Sí, antes era una posibilidad, ahora es una realidad.

RT: ¿Qué estarían haciendo estos presuntos alienígenas en la Tierra?

J.M.: Es muy difícil saberlo, sin embargo hay un dato muy interesante: las momias estaban sepultadas en tumbas humanas, en lugares sagrados. Esto quiere decir que tuvieron convivencia con nuestros antepasados, no eran enemigos y se tenían, hasta cierto punto, un grado de respeto entre ambas razas o culturas. 

RT: Al parecer México y Rusia son naciones atractivas para la vida alienígena. ¿Por qué?

J.M.: En el caso de México, es su vasta cultura; y de Rusia, la tecnología. En la década de 1990, nuestro país fue un referente en la investigación extraterrestre, pero me atrevo a decir que en los últimos años Rusia se ha posicionado como el país con más evidencias en este rubro. Y esto obedece a que la sociedad quiere conocer qué hay más allá de nuestro entendimiento humano, y para ello hay estímulos.

RT: ¿En México existe alguna organización gubernamental encargada de investigar el fenómeno extraterrestre?

J.M.: No, somos la única institución, el único medio en México, encargado de la investigación del fenómeno ovni. Existen en Rusia, Chile, Uruguay y Ecuador, en donde, si bien no hay una oficina de representación, la apertura del Gobierno indica que hay algún tipo de apoyo para organizaciones no gubernamentales y medios de comunicación.

RT: Mucha gente duda de la existencia del 'Área 51', un lugar altamente secreto en el sur del estado americano de Nevada. ¿Es real?

J.M.: Sí, existe y es real. Y dentro del 'Área 51' hay un lugar llamado 'S-4', en donde aparentemente se encuentran las naves extraterrestres y algunos cuerpos alienígenas.

RT: Finalmente, ¿en quién cree Jaime Maussan?

J.M.: Creo en un ser supremo encargado de crear tantas maravillas en la Tierra. Estamos descubriendo que la vida, más que rara o extraña, es común en otros planetas.

Sacred Roads, Spirit Animals or Water Sources? The Perplexing Purpose of the Nazca Lines

The Nazca civilization thrived from 200 BC to about 600 AD in the arid plains of southern Peru. The Nazca practiced extensive irrigation at their main population centers and built two major urban complexes whose ruins remain to this day. The Nazca are also known for their exquisite pottery and textiles. What they are most famous for are the geoglyphs commonly referred to as the Nazca lines. There have been many attempts to explain their intended purpose ranging from being depictions of constellations to the idea that they were runways for ancient airports. Today, the most likely explanation for the Nazca lines based on available evidence is that they were paths to be traveled during religious processions.

The Nazca Lines are located in the Pampa region of Peru. This ASTER sub-image covers an area of 14 x 18 km, was acquired on December 22, 2000. Image Credit:, NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team

The Ancient Nazca World

Nazca civilization was made up of autonomous chiefdoms which would come together occasionally for a common cause. Because of this, there was no political centralization. This is reflected in the lack of town planning or large centralized projects. Another example of this would be that newer Nazca geoglyph designs often overwrite and ignore older ones, suggesting that they were built by different groups at different times for different purposes and that there was no central planning authority for them.

  •  Ten Amazing and Mysterious Geoglyphs from the Ancient World

  •  Ancient rock lines created by enigmatic Paracas culture predate Nazca geoglyphs

  •  The unknown origins of the incredible Sajama Lines of Bolivia

Nazca Lines, Nazca, Peru

Nazca Lines, Nazca, Peru ( CC BY SA 4.0 )

The Nazca civilization consisted of two major urban centers, a civil capital of sorts at Ventilla and a religious or ceremonial capital at Cahuachi. Ventilla consisted of terraced residential areas and courtyards. Also within the settlement is a network of underground aqueducts and cisterns to maintain a steady flow of water in the parched desert surrounding it.

Cahuachi consists of numerous sacred mounds the largest of which is the called The Great Temple. The Cahuachi complex is the much larger of the two, stretching across 11 square kilometers instead of only 2 square kilometers for Ventilla. The reason that this was a sacred site may have been because it was one of the few places in Nazca territory with a perpetual water source.

The Nazca civilization prospered briefly. Nazca burial sites have been found with feathers of exotic rainforest birds as grave goods. Llama and alpaca wool has also been found at various Nazca sites even though llamas and alpacas typically cannot survive in the arid climate in which the Nazca lived. This suggests that the Nazca had an extensive trade network reaching into most of the major climate zones of Peru including the desert, the highlands, and the rainforests.

Nazca lines including Hummingbird picture ( CC BY 2.0 )

The Nazca civilization experienced a severe drought in the 5th century AD which left the Nazca weakened. They were eventually conquered by the Wari. The Nazca continued to persist after the arrival of the Wari but only as a conquered people. Nonetheless, the Nazca left marks on the landscape of southern Peru that far outlived the dominance of either the Nazca or the Wari - the mysterious Nazca lines.

Nazca by Design

Scholars all agree that it was the Nazca who made the Nazca lines. The designs seen in the Nazca lines also appear on Nazca pottery and textiles, for example. There are some who insist that it would take aircraft to make the Nazca lines. This is why there have been suggestions in the past that the Nazca lines were built by extraterrestrials or Atlanteans with airplanes or dirigibles. Experimental archaeology has, however, shown that the Nazca lines are very easy to make using the tools that were available to the stone aged Nazca. They can be made simply by creating a path through the desert by removing the oxidized rocks that cover the top of the desert to reveal the lighter colored terrain beneath. The designs seen in the Nazca lines can also be constructed within a few weeks with the right amount of coordination without the use of aircraft.

Double-Spout and Bridge Vessel showing typical Nazca design. Peru, South Coast, Nazca, 100 BC - AD700

Double-Spout and Bridge Vessel showing typical Nazca design. Peru, South Coast, Nazca, 100 BC - AD700 ( Public Domain )

What Possible Purpose?

Although it is generally agreed that the Nazca people made the lines, there has been a lot of disagreement over why they made them. Archaeologists and anthropologists have proposed many theories over the years, including; astronomical and cosmological purposes, directions to water sources, flow of water, weaving patterns (or even used as a giant loom with extremely long treads), athletics track, enormous hieroglyphic writing, representations of gods, tribes or spirit animals, work therapy, a map of some sort. There is also a following for the belief that they are some sort of alien spaceship runway.