sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

New DNA Test Results on Peru’s Elongated Skulls

Video the skull Paracas

In the paranormal business, the cure for a slow news day is to see what’s cooking in Peru. Last week, we had the truck driverplowing his vehicle over the ancient Nazca lines, destroying portions of these famous and unexplained geoglyphs in the name of avoiding to pay a toll. It’s been a while since we heard anything about the three-fingered mummies but there’s nothing new to reports. Fortunately, the elongated skulls came to the rescue!
“This could re-write history as we know it.”

Yes, it was another “This changes everything” moment over the weekend when the Elongated Skulls Symposium was held in Los Angeles. Hosted by author, lecturer and film maker L.A. Marzulli, it brought together a variety of speakers on the subject of the Paracas skulls, including videographer Richard Shaw, forensic expert Chase Kloetske, archaeologist Mondo Gonzales, 3D forensic artist Marcia K. Moore, anthropologist Rick Woodward, medical doctor Dr. Michael Alday, and chiropractor Dr. Malcolm Warren. However, the big news on DNA testing of the skulls came from Marzulli and Brien Forester of Hidden Inca Tours.
If those last two names sound familiar, it’s probably because they had a similar “this changes everything!” moment in 2016 whenDNA tests were reportedly conducted on the Paracas elongated skulls of Peru. At that time, they revealed that the test results showed the skulls were not from Peru but were not alien either. The humans were believed to have come from Europe and Mesopotamia, especially Syria. That was interesting and certainly added a twist to which humans first arrived in the Americas, but not a game-changer. Was the Elongated Skulls Symposium?
The website megalithicmarvels.com gave a synopsis of the talk by Brien Forester.
“The DNA results actually were incredibly complicated… It’s gonna take me some time to actually figure out what the results mean. What it does show for sure is that the Paracas elongated skull people were not 100% Native American. They were a mix or even you could say, in some ways, a hybrid of different people.”

Wait a minute … this sounds familiar. That’s when Forester adds a new twist.
“It appears that the largest elongated skulls on the planet have been found, “A” in Paracas, Peru and “B” in the Caucasus area in between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea… so my theory is that there was a sub-species of human which we are going to be eventually calling Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens-Paracas, and they were living in the area in between the Caspian and Black Sea.”

And …
“They were invaded by somebody… and so they were forced to flee.”

Forester lays out a path for this sub-species to sail from the Persian Gulf to Peru. That’s where he believes, and says some of the other speakers agree, that these naturally long-skulled people settled and flourished for a time.
“ … because of the abnormalities found with some of the Elongated Skulls from the Chongos cemetery in Peru they have no other choice but to state that some of these ancient Paracas were a sub-species of humanity… it had to be genetic, they had to be born with these abnormalities. They had dark red hair… the royal Paracas were the ones with elongated heads, not the common people… the royal family of the Paracas, they lived in subterranean underground houses and I think the reason for that is that they had light-colored skin, probably sensitive eyes because of the extreme sunshine…”

So, Forester believes the long skulls are a genetic abnormality, not the result of binding, and those with them were regarded as leaders and superiors. The key word is “believes,” not proves. This certainly reinforces the idea that the genetic makeup of Native South Americans is truly a varied mix. It also continues to disappoint those who want to believe the elongated skull beings are aliens. However, it doesn’t prove how the Paracas could be a separate sub-species while all other elongated skull cultures are not.
Let’s hope the next ‘this changes everything’ DNA tests come during another slow news week.

Paul Seaburn Paul Seaburn is one of the most prolific writers at Mysterious Universe. He’s written for TV shows such as "The Tonight Show", "Politically Incorrect" and an award-winning children’s program. He's been published in “The New York Times" and "Huffington Post” and has co-authored numerous collections of trivia, puzzles and humor. Paul likes to add a bit of humor to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious.

The Paracas skulls are not just elongated, they are missing the sagittal suture and they have a larger cranial volume. The foramen magnum is set further back towards the occipital bone, changing the entire way the head sits on the spine. None of these can be affected by head binding. It might have a been a dominant genetic trait, but still human. Just because they’re not mainstream archaeologists or scholars, does not mean the discovery is not important.

This was an incredibly inept and partial review of the 2 and 3/4 hour symposium. Obviously, this writer didn’t view the entire conference or really understand the data. Just quoting Brien Foerster, who is a good researcher, and a good friend of mine but would admit to not being either a forensic expert nor a DNA genetics scientist. That data was presented by two doctors, an anthropologist, and an archeologist. And, Richard Shaw, me, isn’t a videographer . I’ve directed or produced over a dozen documentaries and one feature film since 2003. I don’t do wedding videos. I’ve been exploring this phenomenon with LA Marzulli the past five years. The big new evidence is that at least 50 DNA samples were taken, the largest number of samples perhaps ever done of the elongated skull people, were analyzed by three independent genetics labs. Two in California, and one in Canada. All three specialize in Paleo DNA — the experts necessary for pulling ancient DNA from centuries old bone powder, taken under the surface to avoid contamination — as the labs dictated. Chase Kloetzke, a forensic expert who DISPROVED the Star Child skull of being from alien origin. The results of the Paracas skulls were shown by Archeologist Mondo Gonzales, each set of Haplo groups explained, and nothing left to chance. Special lab containers and sterile conditions were used and the grinding tools were also sterilized. Also, anthropologist Rick Woodward proved, along with the doctors present, that those elongated heads that were natural could be shown to be that way because of a complete repositioning of the foramen magnum at the base of the skull. Dr. Warren also showed how additional holes inside the skull were not normal, but used to pass nerves and musculature to handle the face and other areas due to the unusual placement of the rest of the forehead, palette and occipital areas. Simple cradle headboarding can’t effectively move this opening 10cm or more into the back of the skull without killing the individual. So, overwhelming scientific evidence was presented. If scientists rather wish to offer their results from the ancient books they rely on instead of using modern science, then we’re back in the times of Galileo and Copernicus, where any truth shown is punishable today by the idiots in power.

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